A person’s mental health is the foundation of emotions, thinking, communication, learning and resilience. It also contributes to a person’s relationships, sense of well-being and contribution to family, work and community.
Caring for your mental health isn’t easy, but it’s essential. Here are some ways to get started. 1. Exercise regularly.
1. Exercise

Many of us know that exercise is good for our bodies – it improves our heart health, helps maintain strong bones and muscles, and can even help control weight. But did you know that it can also have a positive impact on mental health?
Studies have shown that exercise can quickly reduce symptoms of anxiety. And while it’s not a replacement for mental health treatment, it can significantly reduce the number of days you experience poor mental health.
Exercise can also give you a sense of accomplishment. For example, people who participate in weight training often see quick, easily measurable progress which can boost self-esteem and confidence, says Gordon.
2. Sleep
Getting good quality sleep is critical for maintaining mental health. A good night’s rest gives you the energy to manage your emotions and cope with daily challenges.
Research shows that there is a close relationship between sleep and mental health. People with mental health problems like depression and anxiety often struggle with sleeping well. Poor sleep can also make it harder to cope with mental health problems and may worsen symptoms.
Having a regular routine is important for good sleep. Getting to bed and up at the same time each day can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. It’s also a good idea to avoid using electronic devices before bed and try to do some relaxing activities. It’s also important to see a health professional if you have mental health issues that interfere with your sleep.
3. Eat Right
Caregivers who take care of their own physical and mental health are better able to cope with the ups and downs of a family member’s illness, as well as become more resilient to stress. It’s important to eat healthy and get enough sleep, stay physically active and spend time with loved ones.
Studies have shown that eating a diet that is rich in brain foods (like fish, leafy greens, beans and legumes, unsaturated fats, and olive oil), while limiting ultra-processed foods and excessive caffeine, can help support mental health.
It’s also important to avoid smoking and drinking too much alcohol. And spending time in nature can boost mood and improve sleep, as well as lower stress. It can even improve depression and boost your ability to concentrate by interacting with the sights, sounds and smells around you.
4. Talk to Someone
Having a mental health condition can be challenging for everyone involved, including friends and family. They can affect your ability to work, maintain relationships and socialize. But with early and consistent treatment (often a combination of medication and talk therapy), it is possible to manage symptoms and lead a healthy, productive life.
If you are concerned about someone, it is important to talk to them. However, it can be difficult to bring up the topic because you don’t want to say the wrong thing or upset them. Try using the TALKS technique to help you start the conversation, click over here.
Listen, be empathetic and express your support. Also, it is helpful to offer reassurance that they are not alone and they will get better. This is especially true if they hear negative comments, either from other people or the voices in their head.
5. Take Care of Yourself

When it comes to your mental health, the phrase “caring for others” can include taking care of yourself. It’s like the advice we hear on airplanes about putting your own oxygen mask on before helping someone else with theirs.
Practicing self-care can help you cope with stress, reduce symptoms and feel more energy. You can practice self-care by getting more sleep, eating a balanced diet and exercising. You can also do activities for fun and play, such as watching a comedy movie, going out dancing or playing with friends.
It’s important to remember that the way you think and feel is not your fault. You can overcome stigma by learning all you can about your condition and talking openly with family, friends and health care professionals.