Whether your timeshare property was once an asset that you enjoyed or is something you feel you were tricked into purchasing through an “all expenses paid” vacation scam, the time has come to pass it on to someone else.
Internet companies that promise to market and sell your timeshare property are everywhere you turn. Unfortunately, many of these companies are only interested in taking your money – not helping you unload unwanted real estate.
Finding a Legitimate Sales Company for Your Timeshare

Before you make an agreement allowing any online company to market your timeshare property, closely evaluate the company. Some companies charge high fees to “market” your real estate online for a predetermined period of time. Once that time period is over, the company pockets your fee and you’re still stuck with your timeshare. Here are some features to look for in a legitimate timeshare marketing company:
- No upfront fees. You pay only when the real estate marketer finds a buyer for your timeshare.
- Your fees cover marketing the timeshare until it sells – not for a limited time period.
- The company clearly states how it markets timeshare property.
- A company representative is available to answer questions either via e-mail or telephone.
- The company doesn’t pop up on any online scam lists during a general search.
Selling Your Timeshare Yourself
Keep in mind that, while its much less of a hassle to hire someone else to handle your timeshare marketing, there isn’t much that a third party sales company can do for you that you can’t also do for yourself.
A traditional real estate agent isn’t going to be of much help since real estate agents most often provide services to those seeking to sell or purchase permanent, rather than temporary, residences. You can, however, market and sell your timeshare property on your own if you’re dedicated to the process. To know more about the timeshare property, read here: https://panangian.id/cara-memulai-bisnis-properti/.
Preparing Your Timeshare For Sale
Before you begin marketing your timeshare property its crucial to prepare it for sale, just like you would any home. This means cleaning it up and taking lots of good pictures. Make sure you take your pictures with plenty of natural light, as natural light appeals to potential buyers. For most timeshare owners, this will require traveling.
Make sure to set up and photograph your timeshare real estate during your specified rental period. Not only will you have a prepaid place to stay during your trip, but you won’t risk running into renters or the owners while trying to take pictures and stage the property for sale. If you have a video camera, consider making a virtual tour of the property for potential buyers.
Marketing Your Timeshare Property
Once you have adequate pictures, you can begin marketing your timeshare rental. If you have a fair bit of tech knowledge, consider creating a website for your timeshare. If not, take advantage of a free blog that allows you to upload your photographs and video. Remember, people don’t want to buy something they’ve never seen. Once your website or blog has been created you can start your marketing campaign.
Know How Much Your Timeshare is Worth and Set a Price
Proper marketing techniques and plenty of pictures aren’t going to do you any good if you don’t set the price appropriately. Don’t expect to get as much out of your timeshare as you paid for it. If you’re still paying on a financed timeshare, you may even need to take a loss on the property simply to unload it. Expect this, and be willing to drop your price if necessary.
Once you have a sales price in mind, make it public. Keeping the price to yourself and refusing to disclose it until interested individuals call about the property is a marketing mistake that even seasoned real estate agents make from time to time. Although some buyers will call about the property, most buyers have no desire to call up a stranger and would rather purchase a different timeshare than attempt to reach you on the phone to discuss a price. Always add your price to your website, blog or internet ads.

Market Your Timeshare Property Online
Write advertisements for your timeshare property without using the word “timeshare.” Unfortunately, that word has negative connotations for most buyers. Try using words and phrases such as:
- Rental opportunity;
- Co-owned real estate;
- Jointly-owned vacation property; and
- Shared vacation property.
Find websites that will allow you to post an ad along with your pictures and a link back to your timeshare’s main website or blog. Aggressively market your property using these tools. Most marketing and sales websites allow you to purchase packages that will allow you to run an ad indefinitely until the property sells. Consider using sites like:
- eBay;
- Craigslist;
- Auction.com;
- ForSaleByOwner.com; and
- Homes.com.
Don’t Expect An Immediate Timeshare Sale
Now comes the hard part – patience. You can’t expect your timeshare property to sell nearly as quickly as traditional real estate. For added exposure, try taking out ads in multiple national newspapers or the newspapers of large cities. Provide the web address to your website or blog in your newspaper ad so that potential buyers can review additional pictures and information before contacting you.