Mopping is an essential job that everyone needs to clean their floor. It looks like an endless job. When you have children or pets with then it will be crucial work for you. There are a lot of varieties in mop like sponge mop, steam mop, dust mop, spray mop, microfiber mop, spin mop, electrical mop, and robot mop. So not every mops are used for the same job because there is a separate work for each of them. Likewise, sponge mop is the commonly used mop by the household people. Because it is very easy to handle and the cleaning process is not a tough job. Not every people know how to use this sponge mop. So here is the beginner’s guide for using mop and just read out this and make use of it.
The first step is taking a tub and overfill it with water and convene a few drops of cleaner that you use. The second step is to put the mop into the tub and pull down the slider bar above the mop place when you pull the s bar, the technique on that mop presses against and rolls over it. There is no need to squeeze excess water with your hand because it can do that work by itself. The third step is getting back the mop from the tub and start cleaning your floor. The water gets dirty when you frequently squeeze mop in it so try to get fresh water and start cleaning. So this is how you need to use a sponge mop.
Which is the quality sponge mop to buy?

Already you people know there is a lot of varieties are available in the market today. But everything is not given a hundred percent involvement. So choosing the quality and best sponge mop is the main thing. Do not worry about it because here is the number one quality sponge mop and the name of that brand is Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Sponge Mop. The main use of this mop is you can clean your floor with any type of mop but surely there is dirt that you could not find so for avoiding this you can use this sponge mop after cleaning the floor with normal mop. Because it has the power to remove invisible dirt like water and other liquid and the sponge in this mop will easily inhale the liquid and clean the surface.
How to get this magic sponge mop?

You people are familiar with the online shopping concept so it is not the toughest job to do. So just visit this site for the ordering process. Even you can get more details about sponge mop by clicking that link. This mop also has advantages and disadvantages but there is a lot of advantages instead of cons. Also, it comes up with two years warranty and it can heap up in just thirty seconds. So try to buy it and make use of it.